Environmental cleanups are expensive. No matter if the contamination is from a newly discovered release or has been undergoing clean-up for years, EXCALIBUR’s customers seek smart, streamlined, competitively priced solutions. Competitive bidding using EXCALIBUR’s proven Best Investment Decision (B.I.D.) process is an avenue EXCALBIUR’s clients frequently take to address their environmental issues as efficiently and economically as possible.
EXCALIBUR’s clients typically want to know the total cost and cash flow of their cleanups before they get underway for financial planning & reporting, insurance and other business reasons. These too are revealed through B.I.D..
Competitively bid fixed price contracts provides cleanup and cost efficiencies in site closures while avoiding reoccurring unwelcome surprises occurring under T&M arrangements. Sometimes these contracts are for missing site characterization, improved O&M or remedial augmentation to address cleanup performance problems. For more straightforward sites, EXCALIBUR secures competitively bid remediation-to-closure contracts fully compatible with clients’ operations. Over the years, EXCALIBUR has documented $30M in savings over incumbent cleanup efforts by identifying more effective exit strategies while removing the uncertainty of contractor T & M expenditures through set fixed pricing.
EXCALIBUR’s 4-step B.I.D. system is a well-established process used to secure fixed price remediation-to-closure contracts:
1. Request for Bid (RFB). EXCALIBUR studies the technical and compliance record to develop several viable alternatives to environmental regulatory closure. Based on site characterization data, regulatory requirements, and key input on client business goals, these conceptual pathways to a defined cleanup end point (“bid to result”) form the very foundation and boundaries of the RFB. The performance-based work scope is packaged in the RFB with all necessary administrative ground rules on eligibility, bid submittal content and presentation, and review and evaluation, all tailored to client preferences.
2. Bid Solicitation. Electronic RFBs are then let usually to a set of 3 to 5 cleanup contractors pre-qualified by EXCALIBUR and client. EXCALIBUR holds one on-site pre-bid meeting and provides shared responses to bidder questions during the bidding period. Bids are directed to the client and EXCALIBUR and opened together after the bid deadline.
3. Bid Review & Scoring. EXCALIBUR employs a team approach to bid review using a reliable three-tier weighted scoring system designed to objectively evaluate each bidder’s relevant experience, cleanup successes, capabilities, resources, project-specific insights, and costs. The bids and review results are summarized, critiqued to project-specific factors and goals, and presented to the client for selection of preferred bidder.
4. Contract Facilitation. EXCALIBUR technically assists clients in customizing their (or EXCALIBUR’s template) fixed-price remediation contract to reflect the requirements of the RFB and the winning contractor’s bid. Once in draft final form, EXCALIBUR hands off the contract agreement for client contracts/ legal review, final adjustments, approval and execution between the parties.

• Newly discovered spills & releases
• Future cleanup costs >$150K
• Cleanup beyond incumbent’s skills
• Ill-defined path to regulatory closure
• Protracted site characterization with mounting costs
• Stalled remediation with no new ideas or game plan
• Inadequate response to system performance problems
• Excessive system down-time
• Elusive cleanup timeframe
• Aging system reaching design life
• Unexpected added labor & expenses routinely on T&M invoices
• Ever-increasing total costs